
When two becomes four

Z is for Z-o-o.

Yes, the zoo. I don't know why we have such an affinity with it but right before we even had kids, the hubby and I would take time off to visit the animal friends and enjoy a couple date in the wild.

I remember when we had our pre-wedding photoshoot at the zoo, I could feel almost all eyes on me and even hear some of the passers-by giving me their heartfelt congratulations. It was a moment of true joy, true bliss and true love. When we went onto the horse carriage, that being my first time ever, I guess I realised that fairytales don't just live in books and Prince Charmings don't just appear in dreams. With every breath, I held strongly onto the belief that I was the one lucky girl in the universe who was able to find her happily ever after.

Photos taken by Imagegarden Photography
Fast forward and more than four years has passed since that day when I was dressed in the bridal gown amidst flamingos and camels. Last Saturday, we visited the zoo once again and thanks to the kind uncle who let me rode for free, it was the first time we sat on a horse carriage as a family of four.

It's funny how emotions hit you when you least expect it. It wasn't the bright scorching sun or the incessant perspiration, it was that feeling of happiness, of gratitude, of family ties that warmed my heart. 

From two to four.

Yes, the hubby and I might not have been able to watch a late night movie for years. I might not be able to enjoy a good night's sleep, take a nice bath or indulge in a meal for more than ten minutes. We might not get the chance to rest and relax on a Sunday without having the kids bugging us to take them out. He might get worse eye bags from reading bedtime stories to a book lover kid just before midnight. I might get more backaches in a year looking after a baby as compared to a decade of playing sports. We might not be able to go to all the places, see all we want to see and do all we want to do like during the days when it was just the two of us.

So what was it that warmed my heart, actually?

I would say the it is quite indescribable and to understand it, you have to become a parent. To put simply in words, having a kid means having someone to love with all your heart and who loves you back unconditionally. Knowing that someone needs you, cares for you and misses you when you are gone for five minutes. Realising that you have the power to fight the world just to protect your little one. Feeling your heart skip a beat when he runs to the road. Shedding those uncontrollable tears when she goes to her first day of school. Feeling guilty when you have to feed the baby food from a jar. Losing your sanity when he shoves food onto the floor. Not knowing to laugh or weep when poo spurts on you. Seeing kids throw senseless tantrums in public and giving a "I can totally emphathise" look at the parent. Feeling on top of the world when she calls you "Mama" for the first time. Wanting to hit your head against the wall when your baby falls off the bed. Knowing that everything is worth it when you see the smiles, hear the laughter, feel the love, the cuddles, the hugs and the kisses.

This list of mine can probably go on forever. The ups and downs, joy and agony, fulfillment and frustration, hope and guilt, that comes with parenthood. It is not something I pictured and everything beyond my wildest imagination, and after four years into being a mum, I still find that every day brings with it a new surprise. That is the beauty of this journey, isn't it? The good and bad moments come together to make this road such a challenging but nonetheless extremely gratifying one.

I am just so thankful to have my two princesses join us on our carriage of life. While quarrels, heartbreaks, tantrums and tears might lay ahead of us, from the way I see it, yes, I am living my happily ever after.

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  1. Absolutely beautiful post and pictures XX

    1. Thanks Rebecca!! =) These pics bring back some fond memories!

  2. It's amazing isn't that even though being a parent can be hard at times it can be truly rewarding. What a beautifully written post about being grateful.

    1. Thanks Rebecca, no one said parenting was easy, right? Lol. But yes, no one also told me how rewarding it could get. Appreciate you popping by!

  3. 2 becomes 4. Love it too. We are not a zoo-lover, but will become soon when the baby grows up. :)

    1. Haha I'm sure you will visit the zoo regularly soon, it's really a great place to hang out as a family and a learning experience for all! Your kid will love it next time too! *PS: I don't work for the zoo!*

  4. I love your list, I was smiling the whole way through it because your feelings are exactly the same as mine!

    1. Awww how nice to have someone who thinks like I do.. Thanks Eva!!

  5. Beautiful post and love the photographs! Nothing can prepare you for the love that fills your heart when you become a parent. It has its ups and downs but life would be very empty without them. Is that Singapore Zoo that you're at? If so - I've been there and loved it...particularly the orangutans (I'm orangutan crazy). Wishing you and your family many happy years ahead :-)

    1. Thank you! How true nothing can prepare us for the love! Yes that is the Singapore Zoo we were at! I love the orangutans too, they now even came up with this idea and became the world's first to have a free-ranging area for these primates, we saw orangutans swinging by right above us! Thank you so much for the well wishes!

  6. Yes, most of us parents are indeed living our happily ever after, if we would recognise it beyond the tears, lack of sleep, fatigue etc. =)

    1. Yes, haha just a different type of happily ever after than those we imagine in fairytales and books. =) I hope I am not being overly optimistic, thanks for agreeing with me!

  7. It's amazing when that emotion just hits you isn't it? You realise just how lucky you are.
    Beautiful post xx


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