
Proud mama

I remember that my mum was always there whenever I went on stage to perform or receive an award. Hours of waiting just to witness my few seconds of fame and hear my name being read out, she never said "No, I don't have time" and even when I was near my twenties, she still accompanied me to receive every of my bursary award at the committee centre. Even if I didn't say it, it was a big relief knowing that she was always there, believing in me. Even if she didn't say it, or that she didn't scream the loudest cheer or clap her hands sore, I know, I just know, she was rooting for me with all her heart and at that moment when I was the star on stage, she was the proudest mama in the world.

19 October was a special day. Not just for Angel, but for me as well. It was the day when I was going to be that proud mama for the very first time at her annual school concert.

It was the day she had been rehearsing for all these months, the day when we could find out if our girl had stage fright, the day when she was going to shine in her own light, the day that would make any mum and dad beam with pride and joy. We reached the theatre just in time to get nice seats near the middle aisle, just so it would be easy for me to sneak up close to the stage when the time came.

As expected, even though we were told to remain in our seats so that we could enjoy the concert, you could see parents dashing forward with their cameras held high in the air when it was time for their kids to perform.

We loved watching the performances by all the playgroup classes all the way to kindergarten classes, with kids ranging from 1.5 to 6 years old who were dressed in fanciful costumes and had on colourful make up. Yes, check out Angel's blue eye shadow! I guess the make up had to be thick so that we could see it from far? I'm not really sure but nonetheless, it was the first time I saw my girl dressed like this and I would still say she looked pretty cute.

I totally loved the K2's class Grease dance which was lively and stimulating, as for the little ones who moved to the beat, or even those who ran away once the curtains opened or those who stood still all the way and only gave an ending pose, thank you for your hard work and for bringing us so much joy that afternoon.

This was Teacher Arati, her English teacher who was also the one who choreographed and taught the kids the Indian dance.

And now, a glimpse at the Lakdi ki Kathi dance performance by the N2 class. Spot my girl!

Stage fright? No, surprisingly.
Big smile? Yes.
Apprehension? A little. 
Beautiful? Very.
Best dancer? I won't say so.
Made us proud? You bet.

Just so you know, my dearest Angel, you did an awesome job at it all and we loved every moment of it. Mummy promises to be there for you every time you go on stage, to cheer, to accompany, to encourage and to believe in you, ok?

Thank you for giving me the chance to be a proud mama.


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