
Happiness is... being thankful for the green grass

Most of us have heard of the idiom "the grass is always greener on the other side". Well, I never did like that saying much.

I like to think that life is simple and instead of complicating it and wishing that you were living in a different set of circumstances, why not learn to be contented with what you have, put in some effort to water your patch of grass and realise that it is actually very green after all?

This month, I looked back on some moments of the life I am living and be thankful for all these little things that made me realise how lucky I am to be on this side of the fence.


1) For having an elder sis who insists on pushing the stroller and banging it into walls. This means she is willing to learn to take care of the little one, who by the way, giggles with every crash.
2) For seeing my girl dig the shovel into wooden planks, saying that she is looking for her golden treasure. This means she has imagination.

3) For having a baby who likes to bite my fingers and may I say, nipples, too. As ouch as it may be, this means her teeth have sprouted and she can start on more solids soon.

4) For having the chance to fly a kite while perspiring under the bright, scorching sun. This means we can see, we can feel, that the weather is good and we can go outdoors!

5) For having kids who make a mess at every meal and dirty the floor right after I mopped it. This means they are eating well and getting enough nutrients to help them grow.

6) For getting sand, and a tan, on our bodies after building sandcastles. This means we have hands, we have free time and we have each other.

7) For having a sick baby who is whiny, clingy and wakes up every half an hour in the middle of the night. This means she especially needs Mama those days and you know what, that is me.

8) For the chance to bring out two kids, a stroller and a diaper bag onto the streets every day, even if one kid cries and the other demands to be carried at times. This means I get to meet up with friends and I even get to watch movies with my girls!

9) For being able to do crafts at home (we did these Minnie Mouse ears for Angel's 2nd birthday party) and for playing dressing up or having doll parties. This means my brain still works and there is room for fun and creativity.

10) For singing Fireworks at karaoke till we went super off-key. And super loud. That means we have a voice. And how did the baby manage to sleep amidst our shrieks, I will never know but I am so glad she did.

11) For going through a busy but fulfilling National Day weekend packed with gatherings. That means we have friends and family.

12) Last but not least, for going through the rashes ordeal with Ariel this month and feeling the heartache when I saw her in pain and agony.

Even though the doctor said this was a common reaction to her high fever and would subside within days, those few days just felt longer than usual, especially when she lost more than half of her usual cheerful smiles. As heavy as it may sound, this incident really got me thinking.

What if, just what if, I was not blessed with a healthy, happy baby?

You know, when I was pregnant with Ariel in Sweden, the gynae advised against doing any checks for Down Syndrome since I was under 30 and this was my second pregnancy. After going through a miscarriage, I knew that I badly wanted this child and would give birth to her no matter how she would have turned out. So, I decided not to do the test. Or any OSCAR test when I came back to Singapore since I was already 30 weeks pregnant.

For weeks leading up to her birth, I couldn't help but feel a little paranoid and wonder how she would be like. Will she have ten fingers and toes? Will she have two eyes, two ears, a nose and a mouth? Will she be able to speak and think properly? Will she be a normal, healthy baby?

It may be easy for me to say that I will still love this child no matter what, just because I am her mum. But, would I have the courage, the perseverance, the amount of love in my heart to overcome all those fears and obstacles, if life had taken a different course? I dare not even think.

All I know is that, I am eternally grateful to be blessed with two kids, and two very happy and healthy ones, in my life. Even if they do drive me up the wall sometimes, deep down, I am so thankful they are here and that I am someone very special to them - their mum.

P.S: Ariel has since fully recovered and is back to her jovial, chirpy self and soft, baby smooth skin. Thanks for asking!


What are you HAPPY for this month? 

Happy memories have a special way of touching our hearts every time we think about them. Join in my linky party at the end of every month and let us smile, rejoice and share the simple joys of life. Highlight and press Ctrl + C to copy my button above, include it in your post/sidebar and add your link below. For happiness is all around us.


  1. I am happy I got to spend most of the month with my children at home on summer break. School is back in session and I already miss them so much.

    1. Great to hear that, Amy! Holidays always seem to fly past, don't they? Glad you had a fun time while it lasted!!

  2. I am happy I got to spend most of the month with my children at home on summer break. School is back in session and I already miss them so much.

  3. Thanks for all the initiatives dear. hubby dropping by to say hello and nice writing : )


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