
My little runner

I don't really like running. Give me a Zumba DVD, a hula hoop, a badminton racket, a skipping rope and I'll gladly use any of them than to put on my running shoes.

On the contrary, my girl has proven that she has not only inherited our sporting genes, she has also grown to love running as a child.


She loves to run and chase after every duck, sparrow, crow and seagull back in Sweden till they eventually took flight. Yes, even the ducks could fly.

She loves to run on the pavement and ask us to catch her. And when we pretend to be the monster and go after her with big steps, she runs amok and laughs hysterically.

She loves to run at the playground. While other kids are happily playing with slides, ladders and see-saws, she prefers to just go around in circles.

She loves to go the park because there is ample space for her to run freely and even when she falls on the grass, it doesn't hurt as much. 

She loves to run and pretend to be in a race. After reading her hare and tortoise story book, she learnt that you need a starting pose and the empire will shout "On your mark, get set, GO!".


So recently, we have to say those words at the starting line every time, pretend to shoot with our racegun while trying our best not to laugh at her hilarious "boxing" pose.

In fact, she will ask us to go run with her every other day. With that puppy eye look and high hopes in her heart, it is virtually impossible to say "No, I just want to relax at home" though that is what I would love to do sometimes.

Thankfully, I have a hubby who is an ex-national badminton player and football lover and thus can keep up the pace with our little runner. As for me, I am also slowly learning to appreciate the joy of running, or at least, jogging.

In fact, we went for our first family night run at Punggol Park. Yes, finally my running shoes came out of the shoe cabinet. We wore our sports attire, hydrated ourselves, put the baby in the stroller and off we went. Seriously, the big sis must have run at least 1km that night while the little one was snug in her stroller the entire journey.

Well, after that run, I was so famished that I ate half a spring chicken for supper. Yes, there goes my sweat and efforts but hey, at least I ran, right?


To my little runner, Mummy is so proud of you, you know that? It's a joy to watch you sprinting around like the happiest girl in the world. I hope you know that even if Mummy cannot keep up with you sometimes, I will always be here to support you, to cheer for you, to give you my loudest applause when you reach the finishing line.

May you have the courage to run up and face your fears, the determination to chase after your dreams, the strength to pick yourself up when you fall and the faith to take small but steadfast steps to get to the end.

Remember that we don't have to win every race in life. It's ok to lose as long as you tried your very best. And you know what? You will always be the champion in Mummy's eyes.

P/S: She is going to attend her first real run at the Cold Storage Kids Run this Sunday! Stay tuned for more updates!


  1. What a great lesson from Mummy to Angel :) Yes, what matters is to have give it her best and tried!

    1. Thanks Susan, yes i hope she understands that too because she always wants to win!

  2. Aww! beautiful daughter! :) And I feel the same way regarding running! I'd rather Zumba my ass away :)

    1. Thanks Sharina! oh yeah, I can take hours of Zumba but not ten minutes of running. HAHA. =)

  3. Hi Summer,

    How's the Cold Storage Kids run ? seems that it was a big event for family with kids in Singapore ?!

    My MJ also likes running too, even on her way back to home after school (a 15 mins walk passing through the playground in our living estates), and I always need to chase her @@

    running is good and healthy, when there's no work /study pressure at this moment, enjoying more outdoor fresh air and natural scenes !!



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