
I've always wanted...

I have not told anyone this but there is something in life that I have always desired.

No, not that Louis Vuitton bag or Jimmy Choo shoes. I made it through 30 years without them and I can go on just like that.

But, what I've always wanted is something that can only live in my dreams. For it never came true and it never will.

A sister.


There are times when I imagine how it would be like to have a real sister.

We would make secret jokes, giggle to ourselves and give each other the wink at dinner table that no one else would understand.

We would go to bed together, hide under the sheets, chat for hours about everything from the neighbour's cat to the latest idol drama and then realise the sun is already up.

We would share our crushes and talk about which type of guy makes the perfect boyfriend.

She would be there for me when my heart gets broken for the first time, offer me a shoulder to cry upon and shower me with lots of sisterly loving care.

At my graduation, my first marathon and every of my achievement, she would come up and tell me "Sis, I'm so proud of you." 

We would go for vacations, bask under the sun at beaches and share tips on cam whoring.

After we get married, we would share recipes, talk about breastfeeding and how to discipline our kids.

No matter which part of the globe we live in, we will always be sisters who love, look out and care for each other. 


Ok, that may be the just the good part.

In truth, we might also have hair-pulling fights over the new Barbie doll.

We might become rivals in trying to become the apple of mummy's eyes.

We might both fall in love with the boy next door.

We might argue over who gets to bathe first and complain that the other has a bigger scoop of ice cream.

There might be times when we compare and start to feel jealous or even inferior.

We might have screaming contests, judo duels or even conduct our own WrestleMania.


But at the end of the day, we will come to understand that having a sister is a gift. She is the one friend you know you can depend on all your life and she will always be there to share your laughter and wipe your tears.

So for everyone who has told me things like "Well, two girls. Now all you need is a son to have a complete family", "Don't be sad, you can have a third one" or even "I hope you don't get a girl again", I wish to tell you that

"I love my girls, I have a beautiful family and it is very much complete, thank you very much." 

Fate decided it this way and I am embracing the fact that my girls will grow up knowing that they have a precious gem in their lives and it is called a sister.

May the two of you learn to love, appreciate and treasure each other, my darlings.

Linking up with 


  1. very right about the jealous part haha

  2. I have a couple of sisters, would you like one? Haha. This is a sweet post and I hope your girls do have the wonderful relationship you dream of for them. :)

    1. Sure, I would love one, Jennifer! =) Keke, well, I'm sure they are going to get into fights and all too, as long as they remember at the end of the day that a sister is there for you to love and to hold!

  3. That photo is just precious!!!

    You now have many sisters leh. The last I counted was like... um... 9?! :p

    1. Haha you mean at wedding, the 'sisters'? Yes they are my good friends. Seldom get to see them nowadays though because everyone just seems so occupied. I love my friends, but it's still different from having a real sister who is bonded by blood.

  4. Such a sweet message. I hope that your gals enjoy the sisterhood bond :)

  5. I am lucky enough to have two sisters and a brother (really only need one of those lol) It is a special bond - but I think a close friend when your older can be just as good as this role.

    Your girls are gorgeous

    1. Thanks Annaleis, yes one brother is enough! Haha. =) I hope you had fun with so many siblings in your childhood! =)

  6. You have two beautiful girls. People love to make pointless remarks about what gender we should be having and when for that matter, simply press DELETE.

    1. Oh yeah, delete and erased. Even if it was my mum who said it. Lol.

  7. You are blessed with not just one, but two beautiful girls! How sweet is that. I am sure they will grow up loving one another, and through their growing up years, you will see your dream of having as sister coming to past!

    1. Thanks Christina! I am looking forward to seeing them grow up with each other! Even those hair-pulling fights!

  8. Lovely post.

    I have a very close relationship with my sister, and have many memories like the ones you describe. I'm glad your girls will experience it. I get disappointed when people assume parents aren't happy with the sexes (or combination of) any child is a blessing. My friend has 4 boys. People stop her in the street and say "oh, you poor thing" What? Unbelievable that anyone could think she wouldn't be happy with 4 healthy children!

    1. That's so awesome for you to have a close bond with your sister. Oh yeah, some people are just weird. What do you mean "you poor thing"? Gosh. Yes, a healthy child matters most, it doesn't matter the gender!

  9. I've got three sisters, but didn't really grow up with them so much which is pretty sad.
    I love seeing the relationship's between my girls. Yes there are fights but there is also so much love

  10. I always wanted a sister too!! I ended up with 3 brothers, I remember being so sad when my youngest brother was born, and I always tried to dress him up as a girl. I'm lucky I have a great SIL that we can share parenting stories and recipes with! x Karen #TeamIBOT

  11. I have 2 sisters and growing up was a NIGHTMARE!The three of us have very different strong personalities... but that's just our luck I guess. haha.

    Thankfully we grew out of the screaming fits and fights(yes!) though, while we may not be BFF but we know we've got each other's back no matter what.


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