
I love you, Mama - Ariel's 4th month

Yes, four months have flown past and baby Ariel is ready for food!

This month has been one packed with many of her milestones, like her first flip, her first laugh, her first tub session, her first long string of coos and even her first word - which I half suspected to be "Mama" the first time and then she repeated it so many times, even the hubby had to agree. Woohoo!

That's why I love staying home with you, my baby. The first time you called me, I flew over the moon. The second time, I flew over the moon too. In fact, every time you say something similar to "Ma", it warms my heart so deep and all I wanna do is hold you close and assure you that I will be here when you need me. 

Here's a video of you and how fast you have grown in your fourth month!

For a complete list of Angel and Ariel's videos, visit my gallery here.


  1. nice vid and nice song!
    i tot the last part she will call mama hehe.. thanks for the surprise smile at the end :)

    1. HAHA! I always can't capture that on camera, because if she calls Mama it usually means I am not by her side. I wish I could record it too! Just like her flip, every time I take out the camera, it's too late! Aiyah. I must try harder next month! Thanks for watching!

    2. hehe then u put ur recorder on, then u leave the room and wait for her to call u ;)

  2. Very beautiful blog and such a wonderful video! I really enjoyed reading your sweet article and looking at Angel and Ariel's pictures. It reminded me of the first time my little boy called me "Mama." The feeling is indescribable. Thank you so much for sharing this! :)

    1. Awww thanks Janet. Yes, indescribable is the word to describe it. Haha. Thanks for popping by!


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