
Happiness is... creating memories that last

There are things in life that never come back once they are gone.

While I used to understand that, it was after I became a mum that it really hit me. Day by day, month by month, year by year, my kids are growing up sooner than I thought. It's like time used to pass quickly but now it seems to have wings.

Just when I hope to tickle those tiny little feet, wriggle those cute fingers or throw those small bodies high up into the air one more time, I discover that time and tide wait for no man and my babies are not really babies anymore.

That is why it is crucial to me to create as many memories of their growing up process as possible. Photos, videos, crafts, doodles, cards, letters, drawings, these are just some of the little things that I hope to keep in a big box called Memories so that they will bring back fondness and joy when we look back next time.

This month, we just added more stuff into that big box. Ok, technically we don't have a big box, we only have things lying around the house. Oh well.


Sea what I sea

The hubby brought the family to the Navy Open House this month. Besides the thrill of watching a dynamic show complete with divers and gunfire, the opportunity to board frigates, the fun of firing rifles and machine guns, more than that, it was a chance for us to learn about the hubby's line of work and a time for us to feel more proud of the man than we ever were.

Apart from this lovely family photo for keepsake, we departed with a renewed sense of understanding and pride. To the hubby, no matter how tough, cramped or dark it gets in the submarine, remember that you have three cheerleaders here who are rooting for you and thinking of you every time you are at sea.


Run like the wind

My girl completed her first run at 3.5 years old and achieved her first ever medal and certificate. Now tell me if that isn't something every mum should be proud of? Even though hundreds, or even thousands, of kids have the same medal that says "Junior Champ", it means a lot to us and years later, I bet it will bring back some happy (and hot) memories.

Giggle, chuckle, chortle

I can't count how many times Ariel has made loud laughing noises this month and each never failed to make me tickle her even more just to hear it time and again. These moments are fleeting, which is why I take so many photos and videos of my girls. That reminds me, I need to get going on her 5th month video!

Then, there are other things the little one does that surprises us. Like how she fell in love with the plastic fan during our zoo excursion, how we played peekaboo with it and how it kept her entertained for hours. And the next time we checked on her, she had used the fan to completely cover her face and fallen asleep.


Something's fishy

The hubby had free coupons for a fish spa in East Coast Park and so we decided to try it out. If you are not aware, I don't really like to be tickled because I will just end up laughing incessantly and that is tiring.

So we had a 30-min session and how long did it take me before I finally had the courage to submerge those feet? Ermm, at least 20mins.

See, even the hubby found it ticklish to have dozens of fish sucking on your skin, even though he could overcome it in just seconds. As for me, the first time I lowered my legs, I shrieked so hard and so loud that everyone just gave me the stare. Then the hubby had to literally push my legs down so that I didn't keep lifting them up. Uh oh. At least we've been there, done that, so let's move on.


Prints for life

We made crafts using handprints and footprints of the girls. I treat these like gems because once they outgrow these tiny little feet and fingers, all we can do is reminisce, right? More details to come in Creativity 521.


Frozen in time

Family shoots are another way to create memories that last. We did our first one as a family of four, had lots of fun and took with us some precious moments to keep for a lifetime.


One year wiser

Last but not least, the hubby turned 34 and we had a simple but joyous celebration for him. Ok, several celebrations in fact. A steamboat with our family, a dinner treat by my parents and a night out with just the four of us.

Woho, I love this pic but can you imagine having five kids of our own? *quivers* Well, let's stick to two gorgeous girls for the time being.

What precious, priceless memories do you have this month? Do share!


What are you HAPPY for this month? 

Happy memories have a special way of touching our hearts every time we think about them. Join in my linky party at the end of every month and let us smile, rejoice and share the simple joys of life. Highlight and press Ctrl + C to copy my button above, include it in your post/sidebar and add your link below. For happiness is all around us.


  1. Love the selections of pictures that you have. It must have been a great May for you.. will link up later :)

  2. Wow! Your blog is really good and the photos are very cute and nice! Time really flies so fast. You'll never even realize how fast they grow up. It's a great idea to keep something to remind us of all these happy memories. :)

  3. It's is such a beautiful post! I love the pic of you guys at the beach. So natural. So happy!!


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