
She's ready to fly

Staying in Europe for the first three years of her life meant that Angel was a lucky baby who lived the life of a jet-setter. She travelled to Stockholm at one month old, went to Oslo at four months old and before she turned half a year old, she was already boarding the plane to London.

To date, we have already lost count of the number of cities she has set foot in, but it will probably be close to thirty if we factor in every road trip and every place we visited on our cruises.

As unfair as it seems, Ariel probably won't have that chance. *guilty look*

Nonetheless, we are definitely going on family vacations in Asia and while that might take some time to fruition, I decided we need to at least take the first step - get her all set to fly.

Yippiee! Ariel now has her very own passport!

Well, think it was easy trying to photograph a two-month-old? Let's take a look at some of the shots we took.

It was actually very fun, for me at least, trying to capture that one in a million shot. Not to mention the sense of achievement that came after.

If you are ever going to photograph a newborn, here are some tips:

1) Since the baby can't sit up and lean against a white wall, use a piece of white cloth or blanket for the backdrop and lay him/her on a flat, comfortable surface.

2) If your baby has lots of hair like mine does, you might consider styling it up before the shoot. Well, we prefer to leave Ariel's looking punk and natural.

3) Dress the baby up in a nice-looking top as part of it will be featured in the passport. It doesn't need to be plain but preferably not shirts with funny taglines like "I love to fart".

4) Do it when the baby is well-rested and well-fed, meaning he/she is alert and in a good mood.

5) Use rattles, toys or make weird noises to get the baby's attention. Focus your shot beforehand and make sure you have the fastest fingers to capture that split second when he/she flashes you that toothless, heart-melting smile!


  1. haha I remember the time we got Lil Pumpkin to pose for her passport photo too.. love all the shots and glad you managed to finally have a "suitable" one ;p

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

    1. Hehe yeah we chose the best of the bunch, actually we could have just used Angel's photo too because seriously they still look so alike! =p


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