
Happiness is... embracing spontaneity

Remember I mentioned that we are a family who decides on places to go at the very last minute?

A nice word to describe us would be spontaneous. Or you could probably say we are impulsive. You know those people who go on vacations with no exact idea of what to do or where to head for? Yeah, us. Out of 20 cities we visited in Europe, we probably arrived in 18 of them without a plan or an itinerary. Initially I did try to do some research but they usually turned out fruitless as we would decide to head elsewhere.

Gradually, we let that spontaneity guide us and instead of being resolute about covering every famous tourist spot, we were happy to live each day as it came, we took every pamphlet or map and went around asking for directions, most of all, we became contented with what we could see, hear, smell and touch. That excitement and clueless feeling of not knowing what lies in front of us, I've gotten used to it over time and yeah, I somehow dig it.

March was a fun-filled month for us. We went on trips over the weekends to places we love and places that we had yet to set foot in as a family.

One evening, the hubby was tied up at work but called and said "Hey, I can come back for dinner and bring you girls somewhere before I return to work overnight." We decided to go for a swim and within half an hour, we were armed with our swimming gear and even Baby Ariel was all ready for her first dip! Ok, it was just an ankle dip but still a dip nonetheless. Even though the cold night breeze was blowing and the water was freezing, there was a sense of joy in the air that warmed our hearts.

We visited our favourite place again - the Zoo! Yes, we are definitely going to be best Friends of the Zoo. As usual, it was a Saturday morning and the hubby suggested coming here since we had no other better plan. Well, he did have an ardent supporter because Angel never says "No" to to seeing all her animal friends.

Ice cream, Ice cream, We love ice cream! Even if you are sweaty, sticky and smelly, a popsicle never fails to bring a smile onto your face.

Did you know? The hubby and I met through badminton and while I barely made it to the school team, he was rocking it at national tournaments.  This month, he represented MINDEF to participate in the Public Service Tournament and well, we became the die-hard fans. You should have seen how Angel cheered "Papa, jia you!" incessantly when he went onto the court and it made everyone, including the empire, giggle. As for Ariel, she couldn't shout but being the youngest supporter around for every session, that was more than enough.

The team emerged as the champion eventually and Angel was the happiest person around at the prize ceremony.

Angel: *chants* I have a medal, I have a medal!
Me: Wait, why is it that it's your medal when Daddy was the one who played?
Angel: But Mummy, you forgot something.
Me: Yes, darling?
Angel: I clapped.

On a rainy day, we decided to visit Gardens by the Bay only when we got into the car. We might not be plant or flower lovers, but those memories of being there as a family, well, they were precious.

It has probably been a decade, or more, since I last visited the Botanic Gardens. The best thing about coming here is that you get to take a stroll and admire the lush greenery, and there is no need for any admission fee. While we were able to feed swans nearly every day in Sweden, we were thrilled to get up close with these black swans right here in the gardens. The Jacob Ballas Children's Garden, designed to provide unique discovery and learning experiences in a garden setting. was also a paradise for kids.

Happiness is seeing both your lovely darlings squashed in one pram. The big one enjoyed it immensely and kept saying she wanted to take care of meimei. The little one, well she was cool to share it with someone who couldn't stop hugging and kissing her. That sisterly bond is what makes me glad that I have two daughters.

We were in IKEA for lunch (does anyone do that, just go there for lunch only?) on our way to the Science Centre last weekend. In a moment of creativity, and boredom, Angel took a wet wipe and put it into her cup, then turned over and said "Mummy, see, my ICE CREAM!". Then she started licking at it and even insisted on offering some to Ariel.

Intrigued by science, I also decided to let Angel try out her first science experiment at home, the simplest of them all. Yes, we grew sprouts from green beans! She was so proud of it and would run to check on it every time we passed by.

One day, she said "Look, Papa is growing out already! So big!" Then she pointed to the other smaller one and said "That's you, Mummy". And the other two beans that were still resting inside, she smiled "That's Angel and meimei."

You see, we are growing up and learning each day as a family. Ups and downs, wrongs and rights, each is there to remind us on how life is a journey for us to constantly discover ourselves and the people we love, and each day is a reminder that happiness is right in front of us.

I smiled too. And gave her a tight bear hug.


Happiness Grid on Instagram

If you are on Instagram and have a happy picture to share, feel free to do so using the hashtag #happinessis_ahappymum and your picture might appear here next month!


What are you HAPPY for this month? 

Happy memories have a special way of touching our hearts every time we think about them. Join in my linky party at the end of every month and let us smile, rejoice and share the simple joys of life. Highlight and press Ctrl + C to copy my button above, include it in your post/sidebar and add your link below. For happiness is all around us.


  1. Hehe we go to idea just for breakfast and smaland or smaland and dinner :)

    I love this post. We' are quite spontaneous too; as spontaneous as we can be without a car!

    Love how on your hubby is. Coming home for you girls and then heading back out to work again. What a great papa! You are very blessed :)

  2. My hubby and I used to be the kind who would travel without an itinerary too, and sometimes even look for a hotel only on arrival because we changed our minds about our destination while on trips. I haven't done that with two kids but it makes me smile, thinking of those days! It was spontaneous and fun. these days we do things on the spur of the moment a lot too, but on a smaller scale :) Love all the happy pictures!

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