
Kiss the girl - Ariel's 1st month

You probably know how much I love to make videos for my kids. It's like one of the best presents I can give to them, a DVD containing all their fond moments, milestones and joy of growing up. A gift that we can all reminisce, remember, remind and rejoice. A gift that no other can give to them except me. A gift of love from the heart.

So what if I can't make pro videos like those you see at weddings and that I'm lazy to go and learn more advanced techniques? It's the thought that counts, right? *winks*

For all those who said I won't have time to make videos for my #2, just to tell you that at least I will try my utmost best to keep it up and here's presenting Ariel's first ever video, which is actually a photo compilation of her first 30-days and some cute clips of her.

Her first yawn, first smile, first hiccups, first coo were all the precious moments that I witnessed and each never failed to warm my heart. Isn't it simply great being a mum?

For a complete list of Angel's and Ariel's videos, visit my gallery here.


Yoohoo, thanks so much for reading my blog and leaving your comment! I am feeling the love! (^.^)