
Newfound joy

Joy is
waking up every morning and finding that I not only have one, but two angels right beside me...

Joy is
getting up in wee hours to breastfeed while cuddling her close and gazing into her eyes...

Joy is 
hearing her give out a loud burp and seeing that grin on her lovely face...

Joy is
knowing that the big girl will rush over to comfort the little one every time she cries...

Joy is
hearing the big girl read a storybook every night, even if I don't understand half of it...

Joy is
having poo spurted all over my new blouse but seeing that look of contentment on her face...

Joy is 
stroking her soft hair, touching her tiny toes and rubbing her cute little nose...

Joy is
holding them close and feeling their hearts beat next to mine...

Joy is
having loved ones to cuddle, hug and kiss together...

Joy is 
being a mum all over again and realising I have so much more love to give to both of them...

I think I just found another bundle in my path of life.. 
and in it is something called happiness...

Linking up with 


  1. My hair is standing at this post. It's so beautiful. I add one more: Joy is inhaling that gorgeous baby smell and trying to remember it forever!

    1. Haha agree! That smell is priceless! Thanks Adora!

  2. Awww so sweet! Joy is hearing yhem giggle & laugh together too! :)

    1. Yeah giggles are cute, but there's also the crying part too! Lol.

  3. So precious to see all 3 of you together :) such a sweet post Summer!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka


Yoohoo, thanks so much for reading my blog and leaving your comment! I am feeling the love! (^.^)