
Creativity 521 #12 - The Rollicking Reindeer

What comes to your mind when you hear the word Christmas?

My list will probably contain log cakes, snow, Christmas trees, jingle bells, Santa Claus, presents, candy canes and reindeer.  

Remember we brought Angel to visit the Christmas Village @ Singapore Flyer? Just that very morning, I was inspired to do a Christmas-related accessory for her so that she could wear it at night when we went out.

So, after a little brainstorming, I decided to make her a simple Reindeer Hairband.  

Did you know? At the age of two, Angel had already seen a number of reindeer in Scandinavian zoos, witnessed a couple on the roads and even rode on a reindeer sleigh in Kiruna, Sweden!


1) Plain hairband
2) Felt in colours of your choice
3) Polyester filling
4) Glue/ Double-sided tape
5) Hand sewing supplies
6) Scissors
7) Marker
8) Optional embellishments such as glitter, bells, sequins, beads etc

Cut out a strip of felt that is approximately three times the width of the hairband. Using glue or double-sided tape, secure the hairband to the centre of the felt and then fold in both sides, sticking them down so that your hairband is now nicely wrapped up in felt. Taper the ends neatly.

Draw the outline of a reindeer antler onto a second piece of felt. Cut it out and repeat three times. Use the first one as a guide to trace such that all four antlers are similar in shape and size.

Take two of the antlers and place them one on top of the other. Start to sew around it. For me, I chose to do a blanket stitch all around. Leave a gap at the end for stuffing.

With the help of a chopstick or thin pencil, stuff the polyester filling into the antlers neatly, making sure they are full at the ends. Once done, sew and close the gap.

Next, position your antlers onto the hairband and stitch them in place. I realised my antlers ended up looking a little droopy so you might consider inserting a toothpick or stick into the antlers and securing them to the hairband.

Lastly, add on any embellishments that you desire. For me, I chose to sew on some gold and silver bells just to give it that jingly tinkly feel.

Ta-dah! How does my girl look in her new reindeer hairband?

Well, thanks to the bells, she couldn't stop shaking her head vigorously when she realised that doing so would produce the clink-clank-chink sound, and then she would laugh incessantly after that. That's what I call a rollicking reindeer.

Some people might wonder why I would want to spend hours of time and effort in making something that can be easily bought anywhere with merely a couple of dollars.

But you know what? Nothing beats using my own hands to create a gift of love for the people who matter in my life. And when it comes to Christmas, that's just what I like to do during this season of giving.


To fellow bloggers who have a fun craft session, DIY tip or creative idea to share, do join in the party! Simply grab my button above, include it in your post/sidebar or text link back and add your link below. Do also visit other participants' blogs for more inspiration!

I will be hosting Creativity 521 every fortnightly and I hope you can join me on the 5th and 21st of every month. Remember: The sky's the limit when it comes to creativity!


  1. that's true, if I was good at sewing I would be making Lil Pumpkin's own bags and dress too! You really are so talented :)

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

    1. Awww I'm so not, but thanks Ai! =) Maybe we should learn sewing together! =)


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