
Our first family Mega Dance party

It was the first time we brought Angel on a family night out - to dance.

Well, you probably know that the hubby and I love to dance but guess what, our girl is a little dancer in the making too. Did I mention before how she digs J.Lo videos and insists on repeating her Goin' in music video on YouTube?

Then she would be so proud as to show off her hip hop and even 地板动作 (ground movements). One of it includes her playfully leaning forward and spanking her butt. No, don't ask me where she learnt it from.

Held at The Coliseum at Hard Rock Hotel in Resort World Sentosa, the Mega Dance event is organised by U Family, a community initiative by NTUC that advocates the building of strong families.

We were all dressed up and ready to party! Although we were a teeny weeny disappointed to realise that the venue was outdoor and without air-conditioning (having just returned from the cold, breezy Sweden, we perspire non-stop in Singapore!), that did dampen our shirt and dresses, but not our spirit.

Some of the children who were more daring and spontaneous went on stage to boogie and move to the beat. Sometimes I wish I had the guts to do that as an adult, you know. To dance like no one is watching. But well, seems that the older we get, the more conscious we are of how others view us. 

That said, there were a couple of brave mums who brought their kids on stage to participate in a family dance off contest and I totally applaud their courage. That should be the way, to let your hair down, party and have fun with your kids because no matter how wretched a dancer you are, you are still the best in their eyes because hey, here you are shaking your butt with them and that's all that counts!

My girl was an attentive audience and was totally engrossed in watching the dance off contest. She got especially excited when the Korean hit Gangnam Style was played! I don't really understand the world craze about that song but it sure gets all the kids I know rocking like horses.

When it was time for us to learn some dance moves, we concluded that these dancers treated all of us like pros instead of dance-loving toddlers and parents. I kind of wish they would bring out kiddy mascots and teach us how to dance to a Hi-5 song instead because that would definitely thrill my kid much more than learning to do popping moves.

So, soon Angel gave up learning and decided to show us her very own dance moves instead! Rock it, baby!

Her treasure of the night were the cyalume sticks provided in the goodie bag. It was her first time seeing glow-in-the-dark neon sticks and can you imagine the euphoria on her face when she realised they can be twisted and turned into bracelets and necklaces?

While we didn't get to learn any memorable dance moves, it was still a memorable night out for us.

Did my girl have fun? I sure hope so. She couldn't stop dancing at the end when the crowd had started to disperse. Check out her video below.

In a happy family, it's all about creating memories that touch your heart and last for a lifetime.


Realising that we were famished, we also had the chance to visit the Malaysian Food Street.

For a moment, it seemed like we were back in the old towns of Malaysia and surrounding us were all the mouth-watering hawker fare that we had been deprived of for the last four years. I ordered a bowl of Hokkien Mee which took a half an hour wait and cost S$6. The hubby's choice of Nasi Briyani which didn't need to wait ended up tasting so much better. *grrrr*

Before we headed for home, we had another highlight of the night - Dashing through the water fountain.

Yes, it was the hubby's idea and considering how my girl loves water play, of course she was game for it! Me, as tempted as I was, I decided not to risk slipping and falling on my 35-week preggie tummy and so took on the job of the photographer instead.

To be honest, I think my girl laughed more in that 15 minutes than the entire night.

So what if she got wet in the end?

So what if the hubby got even more drenched?

So what if they shivered a little on our way home?

So what if it was already 11pm and other kids were already in bed?

Sometimes, life doesn't have to go by the book. In fact, our lives always don't go by the book. No right or wrong, it's just how we love it and live it.

After all, life is what we make out of it, isn't it?

“You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, 
Love like you'll never be hurt, 
Sing like there's nobody listening, 
And live like it's heaven on earth.” 
― William W. Purkey 


Check out this short clip of some happy memories from that night!

Disclosure: I am an NTUC U Family Blog Champion, and the above event was attended with compliment from U Family.  No monetary compensation was received and all opinions are my own.


  1. Little Angel is such a sweet girl and she can dance really well.

    1. Thanks Virginia! =p Hope to find a chance to meet up with you and your family soon! =)

  2. Yup, I believe the water fountain should bring smiles to most kids :)
    In our case, chicken wings supper brought us more cheers hee hee.

    1. Haha that supper would bring a big smile on my girl's face and mine too! =p We should have done that! Lol!


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