
It's a miracle

Well, I've waited long enough to write this post and share the good news.

Have you guessed it?

There's a miracle growing inside me. *jumps for joy and does victory dance*

In Sweden, the midwives only perform an ultrasound for you once in the entire pregnancy unless you have special reasons.

I guess after the last unfortunate miscarriage we had last year, it sufficed to request for an ultrasound at 8 weeks.

You know, the hubby and I didn't really want to hold our hopes too high because the last five times we went through an ultrasound, all we saw was a black, empty, gloomy sac.

This time round, when the doctor first entered the probe, I didn't even dare to breathe.

For a split second, all we saw was darkness again. Our hearts sank a little but none of us dared to speak.

Then he turned the probe and looked around.

And lo and behold, we saw a little bean with her tiny heart beating away.

I can't tell you how much joy and relief I felt in my heart at that moment. All I wanted to do was to laugh and cry at the same time.

We were not really expecting this baby because well, here's a little maths for you to go figure.

My menstrual cycle was kinda screwed up after my D&C operation and my usual 29-day cycle now became more than 35 days apart.

So in April, which was just before the end of my 6-month no-unprotected-sex-no-pregnancy ban due to the molar cells, the hubby was going away for sailing and we thought heck, let's just try once since it's been so long since there was any action in our bed, other than Angel performing her 360-degrees turn in her sleep. That day, was merely 12 days after my last menses and given a near 40-day cycle, I was certain that it wasn't during my ovulation period.

Turned out we struck the lottery. With just one ticket.

I guess, you never know where life's gonna take you.

We kept it really low profile because we wanted to take things easy, one step at a time. It was pretty amazing that no one had guessed even after I entered my second trimester.

What? So how many weeks am I along now?

20. Twenty. Yes. I'm halfway there. =)

It felt so surreal at first. But now as I feel my growing bump and my little one has started showing me her karate moves (yes, it's most probably a baby girl), I realise it's not surreal.

It's so REAL.

And yes, we are all very thrilled. Even Angel who has started calling my tummy her 'meimei', planting kisses on it every day and even tried to feed it with a piece of fried chicken.

More than that, I am deeply grateful too. For the chance to cradle another newborn, to change diapers 10 times a day, to wake up 4 times every middle of the night, to breastfeed with sore, bleeding nipples, to smell my stinky, unwashed hair for weeks, to waddle like a penguin every time I try to walk. Yes, I am so looking forward to all of that and so much more.

I'm going to be a mum, again.


  1. Hoooraaay!!! Congrats my dear! Happy for you!

  2. I did suspect but paiseh to ask LOL..

    1. Haha you must have seen me or my pics. It's ok to ask next time, if there is one. =) Thanks nonetheless!

  3. Oh congratulations Summer. Thank you for sharing the wonderful news; I'm so happy for you!!!! I just know you will waltz thru this pregnancy. A Lille companion for Angel. How fantastic!!!! Congrats again you guys. It is God's will indeed

    1. Thanks Adora!~ Yeah I'm so enjoying the pregnancy feeling again! Woohoo!~

  4. Im so so so happy for you!!! Big hugs, :)

  5. I'm so happy for you I could cry tears of joy! Am looking forward to more posts about how Angel is taking to the preparation of Meimei's arrival!

    1. Omg thanks so much! I promise to write more on that okie!~

  6. Congrats Summer! Angel is gng to be a jiejie soon... Enjoy your motherhood once again.

    1. Thanks leafytea! Yeah it's an exciting time for us at home!

  7. so happy for u! congrats congrats!!! :DDD

  8. Hi Summer! You recently began following my blog Happy Moms, Happy Homes at

    I was really sick for more than a week, but I'm finally starting to feel better and have the strength to catch up with my "old" and new bloggy friends. I began following you through Google+ the other day and now I'm following with GFC.

    Congrats on the news of baby! I'll pray that you carry well and that baby will be healthy. Also, your little Angel really looks like an angel.

    Take care!
    Tina - mom of 4, author and blogger of 5 blogs

    1. Hi Christina, thanks for popping by and for the well wishes. Really appreciate it lots. =) Hope to stay in touch and yes, it's great to meet new bloggy friends!

  9. So touched reading your preg journey, congrats!

  10. Congrats! After such an arduous journey, you and your family truly deserve every bit of happiness in the world.

    1. Oh wow. I won't say it's arduous because many people had it tougher, so we are still very blessed and I'm really thrilled with this pregnancy. Thank you so much for the well wishes!

  11. Congrats! I'm too, expecting a girl, currently 19 weeks long! Will continue to resd our blog for inspirations to be a FUN and HAppy mum!

  12. I can feel the happiness! It's just radiating from this post :) so happy for you..congrats!

    1. Wooo thanks much! Glad to share the joy!!~ =)

  13. Have just seen this, congratulations! You are at the beginning of your pregnancy and I am towards the end!
    Good Luck x x


Yoohoo, thanks so much for reading my blog and leaving your comment! I am feeling the love! (^.^)