
Kiddy moments

I always thought that becoming a mum is what will truly make me all grown-up.

I will become wiser and carry an air of shrewdness wherever I go, tugging my girl's hand in mine.

I will become more mature as I learn to be adept in handling sticky situations like public tantrums or painful ones like mastitis.

I will feel so accomplished in life because while giving birth is a joy, it definitely ain't an easy process. *gives the pear-shaped organ a pat*

Truth is, motherhood did make me grow up. But it also gave me so much more.

Last night, Angel and I were soaking in the tub and we decided to have a 'water fight' with her squirt toys. My weapon was the octopus which can really squirt well while she chose the crocodile to be her ally.

We had a full 30-min of fun just saying "Ready, set, go!" and then squirting all over each other. Hearing her cute laughter and seeing her happy face, it just warmed my heart so much. I probably would have done it all night if not for the fact that our skins would be pruned and we would catch a cold.

You see, motherhood gave me something that I wasn't really expecting. A truly wonderful gift.

It made me feel like a child all over again.

It made me see the good in life, it made me laugh at the most simple things in life, it made me feel like the carefree, naive, wild and happy kid once more.

So, in addition to water fights, I decided to write a list of the kiddy moments Angel and I have shared. I know I wrote about the things that make Angel happy before, but you know, happy things are always worth writing again.

1) We jump off the couch and join in the dance when Hi-5 is on the TV. We would turn in circles so much and end up in laughter. And dizzy spells.

2) I make more monkey faces to Angel than to anyone. Both the pretty ones, act-cute ones and ugly ones. Like the one where I try to touch my nose with my tongue.

3) We play hide and seek every other day in our house. Jw and I love to hide under the blanket and when Angel discovers the suspicious-looking lump, she gets ecstatic, pulls off the sheet, says "Catcha!" and then asks us to do it again. Same spot, but it makes her laugh all the same.

4) Singing is our all-time favourite hobby. We sing nursery rhymes, old songs, new songs and even pop Mandarin hits. Angel loves it and she decides when we should sing in whisper, when we should sing normally and when we should just sing our lungs out. Honestly, I feel sorry for my neighbour sometimes.

5) Barbie was never my good friend. In fact, I only remembered having toy cars that change colour when you freeze them up. So when a friend gave Angel a whole bag of Barbie dolls, we had so much fun dressing them up, pretending they were going shopping, swimming, high tea or on a hot date (which pretty much left them half-naked).

6) Ever since Angel learnt "The Ants Go Marching" from Barney, she loves to march and we would do it together continuously for 20 times in our house and just keep saying "Left, right", "Left, right" and then sing the song like we were soldiers. Any sweat? No sweat!

7) We would brush our teeth together and for the first time in a long while, I make the effort to really brush in the proper way and count 1-10. Sometimes, we would exchange toothbrushes and brush each other's teeth. Plus we make a lot of gargling noises.

8) As a kid, I loved hugging stuffed toys but didn't really personify these cuddly, inanimate objects. Since Angel and I placed all our dolls, bears and toys in the tent and pretended they were our friends, I suddenly find myself talking to Mickey and Minnie during our "picnics". And I even respond back in a mousey voice so as to keep the conversation going.

9) Playing tag is another of our fun activities and I never thought I would enjoy pretending to be the monster, dog, elephant or even dinosaur. But I do. Because it makes her shriek and then laugh so much when I chase after her. On all fours. Great way to work out.

10) I dig all the kiddy rides at carnivals, Disneyland and Legoland. Yes, I realise I don't need the plunging or corkscrew roller coasters to give me a thrill, I get equally excited when I sit on caterpillar trains, flying airplanes, carousel or ferris wheel with my girl. It's because we do it together, that's how the joy increases tenfolds. 

You see, thanks to Angel, she brought out this other side of me that I thought was long gone. I love doing silly things, I love doing the same silly things again, and I love how it never fails to make me laugh. First time. Second time. Third time. Every time.

So, I'm loving every second of it.

For no matter how old we become, the child in us is always there. 

Motherhood - It make me grow up but it also brought back the child in me. And I'm thankful for them both.

P/S: Good or bad news, you'll probably never see this side of me in person unless you are my kid. You wouldn't want to because it'll probably freak you out. Anyway, that's what makes a mother-child pair so special, right?


  1. Oh Summer, what a beautiful post!! Yes indeed motherhood has revived the child in me... Though that inner child never quite left :P

    1. Thanks Adora! Yeah I think the inner child is always there, but she might be sleeping for too long a time and we need to wake up her. =) I'm so glad for that though, not like when Angel drags me out of bed in the early morning! =)

  2. hehe it's really fun hanging out with children. They make me feel young again! =b

    Fang Ting

    1. Haha yeah, they have that magic power, don't they? It's just a little hard to keep up with their energy level sometimes. =p

  3. Replies
    1. Definitely Jessica! =) Thanks for popping by!

  4. That's the irony, we feel younger, while the kids grow bigger.
    No wonder my Mrs keep saying I am the fifth child wahaha !

    1. Yesh absolutely! Wow then your wifey sure has a handful to look after! =p Lol.

  5. actually i'd love to see this side of you... cos then we'll be in a lot of fun together with our girls! i know cos i'm like this even in public... and even when other people look at me with the "is she crazy" look, i carry on cos all i see is my girl laughing away, happy to be playing with her favourite companion. :) so stay childlike!

    1. Haha ok! Promise we'll be the four crazy 'young' girls when we bring our girls out! =) Heehee! Maybe I'll just keep the glass-shattering singing and man-eating dinosaur to myself. =p Can't wait to meet up!

  6. Love this post! Yes, motherhood irrevocably and wonderfully changes us! Now, I have a be an expert on dinos and animals. Hahaha!

    1. Haha thanks san! I'm sure you'll be an expert in the eyes of your child, no matter what! =) Let the child in you come alive!

  7. Oh yes I totally agree! Like for example, I've been wanting to buy dolls just because I like them but the hubby is all "please lah u're a grown woman!" but now that I have a daughter, I have every excuse to buy dolls and play with them! Lol

    1. Haha yesh totally! =) Kids are the best excuse for us to get reconnected with the child in us. =)

  8. Thanks for the reminder to keep being child like. I have lots of fun with Sophie when we're playing too. Never mind the stares. After all, I'm not trying to impress them. What matters now, is letting my girl know that I'm always ready to spend time with her building up a bank deposit of memories.

    1. Precisely, who cares what the rest think as long as our child (and us) are happy? Really, life is too short to waste all these precious moments. =) Great to know we're all having fun!


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