Yeah, I finally churned out my latest video for Angel. It's a collection of some precious moments from her 14th-17th months, including her first steps. Yes, my baby can finally walk! Woohoo!
My favourite part was where she mimicked the animal noises. Hee. Especially how she couldn't differentiate between a tiger and a mouse. =) Glad I had it recorded when we were having dinner at Harry's. Yippie.
So, till more updates. Meanwhile, enjoy the video!
For a complete list of Angel's videos, visit my gallery here.
Shuang! I super love this video..i guess coz it reminds me of what Eva is doing now (or gives me an idea of what to expect the following months).. =P can wait to hear her call Mama (she can only call Dada now) or learn more animal sounds (she only knows cow & snake)..haha.. u gave me an idea of sooo many animal sounds to teach your videos babe!! keep them coming!!